Tuesday, December 29, 2009

knights in white satin...

i know it's from another transworld video but this is just another classic. heath front/back lips everything in sight, does a tailslide down your parents banister and basically wrecks any ledge in his path.  i especially enjoi the 5-0 through the kink and the monster 50-50 on the chest high ledge.  oh, and who can forget the song? fuckin moody blues...(sidenote: this was the first karaoke song i ever sang.)

missing from this section is the insane lipslide heath attempts on a retardedly steep and tall rail.  it's in the credits of this vid and he goes for it until he eventually breaks his board.  you even get to see him punching himself in the head for giving up on it last-second.  
found it! peep 1:10, that's where the show begins.

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